Electronics Basics Essentials Tools

 If you wanted to start learning about electronics there might be some essentials things that you have to have so you can start learning about electronics right away

1.Soldering Iron: Maker's life wouldn't be complete without one of these. You simply use them to connect wires and PCB together. (Don't forget that you would also need solder and flux to use along with the soldering iron too.)

2.Variable Lab Power Supply: A perfect tool to power your project!

3.Digital Multimeter(DMM): It can measure voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, inductance, and some advanced ones could even measure temperature.
4.Wire Stripper(Auto or Manual), Cutter, Wire Cutter, Needle Nose Plier, and Tweezers: They can help you strip wire, cut wire, and grab wires as you are soldering them.

5.Helping Hands, PCB Vise: They help you to grab your PCB and wires when your hands are full of soldering iron and solder.

6.Screw Drivers, Rulers, Digital Caliper, Saw: They help you to make Enclosure for circuits and They help you measure things correctly.

And That's all you would need to start learning and create your own circuit also don't forget to check out Great Scott's videos. He inspired me and a lot of people and he explain things way better that me
